Php errors & exception handling tutorial

Creating a Custom Exception Class

To create a custom exception handler you must create a special
class with functions that can be called when an exception occurs in PHP. The
class must be an extension of the exception class.

The custom exception class inherits the properties from PHP’s
exception class and you can add custom functions to it.

Lets create an exception class:

The new class is a copy of the old exception class with an addition of the
errorMessage() function. Since it is a copy of the old class, and it inherits
the properties and methods from the old class, we can use the exception class
methods like getLine() and getFile() and getMessage().

Support File Errors

Support file missing or invalid

The option was removed from Cypress in version
and was replaced by module
support and the

configuration option.

Cypress used to automatically include any scripts in the before
your test files. However, automatically including all the files in a certain
directory is somewhat magical and unintuitive, and requires creating globals for
the purpose of utility functions.

Error Loading Config

The configuration option was removed from the root configutation
object in Cypress version . Instead, it must be added within each
testing type’s configuration object as a separate property if you would like to
use a file other than the default

Use modules for utility functions

Cypress supports both ES2015 modules and CommonJS modules. You can
import/require npm modules as well as local modules:

Use supportFile to load scripts before your test code

It’s still useful to load a setup file before your test code. If you are setting
Cypress defaults or utilizing custom Cypress commands, instead of needing to
import/require those defaults/commands in every test file, you can use the

configuration option within each testing type’s configuration object.

️ For a given testing type, multiple matching files will result
in an error when Cypress loads.

Just like with your test files, the

can use ES2015+, TypeScript or
CoffeeScript and modules, so you can import/require other files as needed.

8.2. Exceptions¶

Even if a statement or expression is syntactically correct, it may cause an
error when an attempt is made to execute it. Errors detected during execution
are called exceptions and are not unconditionally fatal: you will soon learn
how to handle them in Python programs. Most exceptions are not handled by
programs, however, and result in error messages as shown here:

>>> 10 * (1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
>>> 4 + spam*3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'spam' is not defined
>>> '2' + 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

The last line of the error message indicates what happened. Exceptions come in
different types, and the type is printed as part of the message: the types in
the example are , and .
The string printed as the exception type is the name of the built-in exception
that occurred. This is true for all built-in exceptions, but need not be true
for user-defined exceptions (although it is a useful convention). Standard
exception names are built-in identifiers (not reserved keywords).

The rest of the line provides detail based on the type of exception and what
caused it.

The preceding part of the error message shows the context where the exception
occurred, in the form of a stack traceback. In general it contains a stack
traceback listing source lines; however, it will not display lines read from
standard input.

8.4. Raising Exceptions¶

The statement allows the programmer to force a specified
exception to occur. For example:

>>> raise NameError('HiThere')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: HiThere

The sole argument to indicates the exception to be raised.
This must be either an exception instance or an exception class (a class that
derives from , such as or one of its
subclasses). If an exception class is passed, it will be implicitly
instantiated by calling its constructor with no arguments:

raise ValueError  # shorthand for 'raise ValueError()'

If you need to determine whether an exception was raised but don’t intend to
handle it, a simpler form of the statement allows you to
re-raise the exception:

Example explained:

  1. The customException() class is created as an extension of the old exception class. This way it inherits all methods and properties from the old exception class
  2. The errorMessage() function is created. This function returns an error message if an e-mail address is invalid
  3. The $email variable is set to a string that is a valid e-mail address, but contains the string «example»
  4. The «try» block contains another «try» block to make it possible to re-throw the exception
  5. The exception is triggered since the e-mail contains the string «example»
  6. The «catch» block catches the exception and re-throws a «customException»
  7. The «customException» is caught and displays an error message

If the exception is not caught in its current «try» block, it will search for a catch block on «higher levels».

Учебный пример, в котором есть примеры использования всех классов исключений:

class Example
  protected $author;  
  protected $month;  
  protected $goals = [];
  public function exceptions(int $a, int $b): int
    $valid_a = ;
    if (!is_int($a)) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("a должно быть целочисленным!");
    if ($a > 5 || !in_array($a, $valid_a, true)) {
      throw new DomainException("a не может быть больше 5");
    $c = $this->getByIndex($a);
    if (!is_int($c)) {
      throw new RangeException("c посчитался неправильно!");
    } else {
      return $c;
  private function getByIndex($a)
    return ($a < 100) ? $a + 1 : null;
  public function deleteNextGoal()
    if (empty($this->goals)) {
      throw new UnderflowException("Нет цели, чтобы удалить!");
    } elseif (count($this->goals) > 100000) {
      throw new OverflowException("Система не может оперировать больше, чем 100000 целями одновременно!");
    } else {
  public function getGoalByIndex($i)
    if (!isset ($this->goals)) {
      throw new OutOfBoundsException("Нет цели с индексом $i"); // легитимные значения известны только во время выполнения
    } else {
      return $this->goals;
  public function setPublicationMonth(int $month)
    if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) {
      throw new OutOfRangeException("Месяц должен быть от 1 до 12!"); // легитимные значения известны заранее
    $this->month = $month;
  public function setAuthor($author)
    if (mb_convert_case($author, MB_CASE_UPPER) !== $author) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Все буквы имени автора должны быть заглавными");
    } else {
      if (mb_strlen($author) > 255) {
        throw new LengthException("Поле автор не должно быть больше 255 сиволов!");
      } else {
        $this->author = $author;
  public function __call(string $name, array $args)
    throw new BadMethodCallException("Метод Example>$name() не существует");

Вот и всё. Думаю, материал буде полезен как новичкам, так и более продвинутым программистам. Я постарался систематизировать информацию об исключениях в одной статье.


Effective communication is the key to healthy and efficient relationships. Interestingly, the same applies to any Client and Server relationships. The client’s request may succeed or fail at the server. However, in either of the outcomes, the server should provide the most appropriate status code.

Although sending a correct status code is enough for a client to take real action based on the outcome of a request, in case of failures, the client may need more details about what went wrong. For example, failure details like the exception type and an error message can help clients log the error or provide appropriate failure messages to their clients.

This article will teach How to handle different failures and return Custom Error Messages from a Spring REST API. If you are not aware of how to handle exceptions in Spring REST API, please read Spring Rest Service Exception Handling.

Customize Error Templates¶

The default error handler renders all uncaught exceptions your application
raises with the help of , and your application’s

The error page views are located at src/Template/Error/. By default all 4xx errors
use the error400.ctp template, and all 5xx errors use the error500.ctp. Your
error templates will have the following variables available:

  • The exception message.

  • The exception code.

  • The request URL.

  • The exception object.

In debug mode if your error extends the
data returned by will be exposed as view variables as well.


You will need to set to false, to see your error404 and
error500 templates. In debug mode, you’ll see CakePHP’s development
error page.


Ветка: CustomExceptionResolver

Как мы знаем в программировании магии нет, какой механизм задействуется, чтобы перехватывать исключения?

Интерфейс является общим для обработчиков исключений в Spring. Все исключений выброшенные в приложении будут обработаны одним из подклассов . Можно сделать как свою собственную реализацию данного интерфейса, так и использовать существующие реализации, которые предоставляет нам Spring из коробки.

Давайте разберем стандартные для начала:

— этот резолвер является частью механизма обработки исключений помеченных аннотацией , которую мы рассмотрели выше.

— используется для обработки стандартных исключений Spring и устанавливает соответствующий код ответа, в зависимости от типа исключения:

Exception HTTP Status Code
BindException 400 (Bad Request)
ConversionNotSupportedException 500 (Internal Server Error)
HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException 406 (Not Acceptable)
HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
HttpMessageNotReadableException 400 (Bad Request)
HttpMessageNotWritableException 500 (Internal Server Error)
HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException 405 (Method Not Allowed)
MethodArgumentNotValidException 400 (Bad Request)
MissingServletRequestParameterException 400 (Bad Request)
MissingServletRequestPartException 400 (Bad Request)
NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException 404 (Not Found)
TypeMismatchException 400 (Bad Request)

Мы можем создать собственный . Назовем его и вот как он будет выглядеть:

Мы создаем объект представления – , который будет отправлен пользователю, и заполняем его. Для этого проверяем тип исключения, после чего добавляем в представление сообщение о конкретной ошибке и возвращаем представление из метода. Если ошибка имеет какой-то другой тип, который мы не предусмотрели в этом обработчике, то мы отправляем сообщение об ошибке при выполнении запроса.

Так как мы пометили этот класс аннотацией , Spring сам найдет и внедрит наш резолвер куда нужно. Посмотрим, как Spring хранит эти резолверы в классе .

Все резолверы хранятся в обычном и в случае исключнеия вызываются по порядку, при этом наш резолвер оказался последним. Таким образом, если непосредственно в контроллере окажется обработчик, то наш кастомный резолвер не будет вызван, так как обработка будет выполнена в .

Важное замечание. У меня не получилось перехватить здесь ни одно Spring исключение, например , которое возникает если передавать неверный тип для аргументов

Try, throw and catch

To avoid the error from the example above, we need to create the proper code
to handle an exception.

Proper exception code should include:

  1. — A function using an exception should be in a «try» block. If the exception does not trigger, the code will continue as normal. However if the exception triggers, an exception is «thrown»
  2. — This is how you trigger an exception. Each «throw» must have at least one «catch»
  3. — A «catch» block retrieves an exception and creates an object containing the exception information

Lets try to trigger an exception with valid code:

//create function with an exception
function checkNum($number) {
  if($number>1) {
    throw new Exception(«Value must be 1 or below»);
  return true;
//trigger exception in a «try» block
try {
  //If the exception is thrown, this text will not be shown
  echo ‘If you see this, the number is 1 or below’;
//catch exception
catch(Exception $e) {
  echo ‘Message: ‘ .$e->getMessage();

The code above will get an error like this:

Message: Value must be 1 or below

“403 Forbidden” Errors¶

Under the hood, a Firebase project is actually a Google Cloud project with pre-defined and pre-allocated
permissions and resources.

When Google adds features to its product line, it is possible that you have to manually configure your
Firebase/Google Cloud Project to take advantage of those new features.

When a request to the Firebase APIs fails, please make sure that the according Google Cloud API is
enabled for your project:

  • Firebase Services:
  • Cloud Messaging (FCM):
  • FCM Registration API:
  • Dynamic Links:
  • Firestore:
  • Realtime Database Rules:
  • Remote Config:
  • Storage:

8.5. Exception Chaining¶

If an unhandled exception occurs inside an section, it will
have the exception being handled attached to it and included in the error

>>> try
...     open("database.sqlite")
... except OSError
...     raise RuntimeError("unable to handle error")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
FileNotFoundError:  No such file or directory: 'database.sqlite'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
RuntimeError: unable to handle error

To indicate that an exception is a direct consequence of another, the
statement allows an optional clause:

# exc must be exception instance or None.
raise RuntimeError from exc

This can be useful when you are transforming exceptions. For example:

>>> def func():
...     raise ConnectionError
>>> try
...     func()
... except ConnectionError as exc
...     raise RuntimeError('Failed to open database') from exc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in func

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
RuntimeError: Failed to open database

It also allows disabling automatic exception chaining using the

>>> try
...     open('database.sqlite')
... except OSError
...     raise RuntimeError from None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>

What is an exception?

Most developers think that error and exceptions are the same thing. In reality, an error object becomes an exception only when it’s thrown.

To throw an exception in JavaScript we use , followed by the error object:

The short form is more common, in most code bases you’ll find:


It’s unlikely to throw exceptions outside of a function or a conditional block. Instead, consider the following example:

Here we check if the function argument is a string. If it’s not we throw an exception.

Technically, you could throw anything in JavaScript, not only error objects:

However, it’s better to avoid these things: always throw proper error objects, not primitives.

By doing so you keep error handling consistent through the codebase. Other team members can always expect to access or on the error object.

What is an Exception

With PHP 5 came a new object oriented way of dealing with errors.

Exception handling is used to change the normal flow of the code execution if
a specified error (exceptional) condition occurs. This condition is called an
This is what normally happens when an exception is triggered:

  • The current code state is saved
  • The code execution will switch to a predefined (custom) exception handler function
  • Depending on the situation, the handler may then resume the execution from the saved code state, terminate the script execution or continue the script from a different location in the code

We will show different error handling methods:

  • Basic use of Exceptions
  • Creating a custom exception handler
  • Multiple exceptions
  • Re-throwing an exception
  • Setting a top level exception handler

Note: Exceptions should only be used with error conditions, and should not be used
to jump to another place in the code at a specified point.

Создание подклассов класса Exception

От встроенного класса можно унаследовать классы для своих собственных исключений. Делать это можно для того чтобы расширить его функциональность или создать свой собственный тип ошибок. Создание своих собственных типов ошибок нужно для того, чтобы была возможность по-разному обрабатывать разные исключения. Для этого существует возможность писать несколько операторов . Какой именно из них вызовется, будет зависеть от типа сгенерированного исключения, от типа, который уточнён в аргументе и от порядка, в котором расположены операторы .

Пример собственного класса исключения:

 * Определим свой класс исключения
class MyException extends Exception
  // Переопределим исключение так, что параметр message станет обязательным
  public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
    // некоторый код 

    // убедитесь, что все передаваемые параметры верны
    parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);

  // Переопределим строковое представление объекта.
  public function __toString() {
    return __CLASS__ . ": : {$this->message}\n";

  public function customFunction() {
    echo "Мы можем определять новые методы в наследуемом классе\n";

Async IIFE

For example, let’s see the simplest async function, an async IIFE:

First, let’s see how a synchronous function works with a block:

The console shows the error is handled by the catch block:

Let’s change it to an async function:

The catch won’t run in this case:

Why is that?

In the synchronous case, the error was a sync error, so the sync could handle it. More simplified, the program execution never left the block, so any errors were handled by it.

But an async function works differently. The only sync operation there creates a new Promise and the body of the function runs later. The program leaves the by the time the error is thrown so it won’t be able to handle it.

With this background information, the solution is straightforward. Since the async function creates a Promise, use its function to handle any errors in it:

Or add a inside the async function:

MultiCast SendReports are empty¶

This is an issue seen in XAMPP/WAMP environments and seems related to the cURL version shipped with
the current PHP installation. Please ensure that cURL is installed with at least version 7.67
(preferably newer, version 7.70 is known to work).

You can check the currently installed cURL version by adding the following line somewhere in your

echo curl_version(); exit;

To install a newer version of cURL, download the latest release from . From
the unpacked archive in the folder, use the file ending with to overwrite
the existing in the folder of your PHP installation and restart the

8.8. Predefined Clean-up Actions¶

Some objects define standard clean-up actions to be undertaken when the object
is no longer needed, regardless of whether or not the operation using the object
succeeded or failed. Look at the following example, which tries to open a file
and print its contents to the screen.

for line in open("myfile.txt"):
    print(line, end="")

The problem with this code is that it leaves the file open for an indeterminate
amount of time after this part of the code has finished executing.
This is not an issue in simple scripts, but can be a problem for larger
applications. The statement allows objects like files to be
used in a way that ensures they are always cleaned up promptly and correctly.

with open("myfile.txt") as f
    for line in f
        print(line, end="")

Дополнительная чистка кэша

Но это еще не все. Вам стоит, конечно, проверить, возможно вы уже избавились от сообщения при ошибке Fatal Error Uncaught Exception ‘Exception’ with Message. Если это не так, нужно попробовать очистить кэш OCMod. Эти файлы также хранят кэш установленных модификаций. Они находятся в папке system/modification. Их также можно найти в каталогах, которые дублируют файловую систему движка. При этом и названия имеют одинаковые, поэтому найти их будет просто.

Если вам нужно почистить кэш и OCMod, необходимо удалить все файлы в папке «Модификации» (по пути выше). В них могут быть не только файлы, но и папки. Удалить необходимо все. Разработчики бесплатного магазина в версиях выше 2.0 предоставляют удаление данного кэша более удобным способом.

  1. Перейдите в меню «Дополнения»;
  2. Здесь найдите «Модификации»;
  3. Вверху найдите пиктограмму ластика и нажмите её. Найдите рядом кнопку «Обновить» и нажмите её тоже. Удаление кеша в OpenCart

При этом произойдет генерация новых файлов. Теперь проверьте снова ошибку, возможно вам уже удалось решить её.

Error handling¶

In general, if executing a method from the SDK doesn’t throw an error, it is safe to assume that the
requested operation has worked according to the motto “no news is good news”. If you do get an error,
it is good practice to wrap the problematic code in a try/catch (try an operation and handle
possible errors by catch ing them):

use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\FirebaseException;
use Throwable;

try {
    // The operation you want to perform
    echo 'OK';
} catch (FirebaseException $e} {
    echo 'An error has occurred while working with the SDK: '.$e->getMessage;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
    echo 'A not-Firebase specific error has occurred: '.$e->getMessage;

This is especially useful when you encounter
errors which are caused by the Google/Firebase APIs rejecting a request. Those errors are handled by the
SDK and should be converted to instances of .

Summary: Points to remember

  • PHP’s built-in error reporting mechanism allows us to gracefully handle error in our code.
  • The die() function will stop a script from executing when it encounters an error.
  • We can create our own error reporting function and set it as default with the set_error_handler() function.
  • Exception handling does not stop the flow of our application, but instead redirects it with the try/catch/finally block.
  • Exceptions are raised with the throw keyword in combination with the try/catch/finally block.
  • We can create our own custom exception class by inheriting from the Exception parent class.


Databases — MySQL/MariaDB

Synchronous error handling

Synchronous code is most of the times straightforward, and so its error handling.

Error handling for regular functions

Synchronous code is executed in the same order in which is written. Let’s take again the previous example:

Here the engine calls and executes . All happens synchronously. To catch an exception originating by such synchronous function we can use :

Usually, deals with the happy path, or with the function call that could potentially throw.

instead, captures the actual exception. It receives the error object, which we can inspect (and send remotely to some logger in production).

The statement on the other hand runs regardless of the function’s outcome: whether it failed or succeeded, any code inside will run.

Remember: is a synchronous construct: it has now way to catch exceptions coming from asynchronous code.

Error handling for generator functions

A generator function in JavaScript is a special type of function.

It can be paused and resumed at will, other than providing a bi-directional communication channel between its inner scope and the consumer.

To create a generator function we put a star after the keyword:

Once inside the function we can use to return values:

The return value from a generator function is an iterator object. To pull values out a generator we can use two approaches:

  • calling on the iterator object.
  • iteration with .

If we take our example, to get values from the generator we can do:

Here becomes our iterator object when we call the generator function.

From now on we can call to advance the execution:

Generators also work the other way around: they can accept values and exceptions back from the caller.

In addition to , iterator objects returned from generators have a method.

With this method we can halt the program by injecting an exception into the generator:

To catch such error you would wrap your code inside the generator with (and if needed):

Generator functions can also throw exceptions to the outside. The mechanism for catching these exceptions is the same for catching synchronous exceptions: .

Here’s an example of a generator function consumed from the outside with :

Here we iterate the happy path inside a block. If any exceptions occurs we stop it with .

CLI Errors

You passed the flag but did not provide us your Record Key.

You may receive this error when trying to run Cypress tests in
Continuous Integration. This
means that you did not pass a specific record key to:

Since no record key was passed, Cypress checks for any environment variable with
the name . In this case, that was also not found.

You can get your project’s record key by locating it in your settings tab in the
Cypress app or in the Dashboard Service.

You will want to then

The command has been deprecated

As of version and CLI versions
, the command has been deprecated. We did this to make it
clearer what the difference was between a regular test run and a recorded
test run.

Previously to record runs you had the environment variable: or
you wrote:

You need to rewrite this as:

If you were using the environment variable , rename it

You can now run and omit the flag:

We will automatically apply the record key environment variable.

A Cached Cypress Binary Could not be found

This error occurs in CI when using without a valid Cypress binary
cache installed on the system (on linux that’s ).

To fix this error, follow instructions on
then bump the version of your CI cache to ensure a clean build.

Incorrect usage of flag

You passed the flag but did not provide either a

The flag is used to either group or parallelize multiple runs

Check out our guide on parallelizing runs and
when to use the


The , , or flags can only be used when recording

You passed the ,
, or
flag without also
passing the flag.

These flags can only be used when recording to the
Dashboard Service.

Please review our parallelization
documentation to learn more.

We could not determine a unique CI build ID

You passed the
flag but we could
not automatically determine or generate a .

In order to use either of these parameters a must be determined.

The is automatically detected if you are running Cypress in most
. Please
review the

for your CI provider.

You can avoid this check in the future by passing an ID to the

flag manually.

Please review our parallelization
documentation to learn more.

Group name has already been used for this run

You passed the
flag, but
this group name has already been used for this run.

If you are trying to parallelize this run, then also pass the
flag, else pass a
different group name.

Please review

documentation to learn more.

Cannot parallelize tests across environments

You passed the
flag, but we do not parallelize tests across different environments.

This machine is sending different environment parameters than the first machine
that started this parallel run.

In order to run in parallel mode each machine must send identical environment
parameters such as:

  • Specs
  • Operation system name
  • Operating system version
  • Browser name
  • Major browser version

Please review our parallelization
documentation to learn more.

Cannot parallelize tests in this group

You passed the flag, but this run group was originally created
without the flag.

You cannot use the
flag with this

Please review our

documentation to learn more.

Run must pass flag

You did not pass the flag, but this run’s group was originally
created with the flag.

You must use the
flag with this group.

Please review our parallelization
documentation to learn more.

Cannot parallelize tests on a stale run

This error is thrown when you are attempting to pass the
flag to a run
that Cypress detected was completed over 24 hours ago.

In order to uniquely identify each run during , Cypress attempts to
read a unique identifier from your CI provider as described in our

You may encounter this error if Cypress is detecting the exact same CI Build ID
matching a previous CI Build ID in a run that was completed over 24 hours ago.
You cannot run tests on a run that has been complete for that long. ​ ​You can
see the CI Build ID that is detected for each completed run by looking at the
details section at the top of your run in the
Dashboard. ​ ​You can generate and pass in
your own unique CI Build ID per run as described

Please also review our parallelization
documentation to learn more.

Run is not accepting any new groups

The run you are attempting access to is already complete and will not accept new

When a run finishes all of its groups, it waits for a configurable set of time
before finally completing. You must add more groups during that time period.

Please review our parallelization
documentation to learn more.

Creating your Own Error Handler¶

By replacing the error handler you can customize the entire error & exception
handling process. By extending you can customize
display logic more simply. As an example, we could build a class called
to handle our errors:

// In config/bootstrap.php
use App\Error\AppError;

$errorHandler = new AppError();

// In src/Error/AppError.php
namespace App\Error;

use Cake\Error\BaseErrorHandler;

class AppError extends BaseErrorHandler
    public function _displayError($error, $debug)
        echo 'There has been an error!';

    public function _displayException($exception)
        echo 'There has been an exception!';

The defines two abstract methods. is
used when errors are triggered. The method is called
when there is an uncaught exception.

What happens when we throw an exception?

Exceptions are like an elevator going up: once you throw one, it bubbles up in the program stack, unless it is caught somewhere.

Consider the following code:

If you run this code in a browser or in Node.js, the program stops and reports the error:

In addition, you can see the exact line where the error happened.

This report is a stack trace, and it’s helpful for tracking down problems in your code.

The stack trace goes from bottom to top. So here:

We can say:

  • something in the program at line 9 called
  • blew up at line 3

In addition to seeing this stack trace in the browser’s console, you can access it on the property of the error object.

If the exception is uncaught, that is, nothing is done by the programmer to catch it, the program will crash.

When, and where you catch an exception in your code depends on the specific use case.

For example you may want to propagate an exception up in the stack to crash the program altogether. This could happen for fatal errors, when it’s safer to stop the program rather than working with invalid data.

Having introduced the basics let’s now turn our attention to error and exception handling in both synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript code.

Исключение java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

Это исключение происходит, когда вы пытаетесь запустить класс, который не имеет метод main. В Java.7, чтобы сделать его более ясным, изменяется сообщение об ошибке:

pankaj@Pankaj:~/CODE/Java7Features/bin$ java com/journaldev/util/ExceptionInMain

Error: Main method not found in class com.journaldev.util.ExceptionInMain, please define the main method as:

public static void main(String[] args)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException

Всякий раз, когда происходит исключение из метода main – программа выводит это исключение на консоль.

В первой части сообщения поясняется, что это исключение из метода main, вторая часть сообщения указывает имя класса и затем, после двоеточия, она выводит повторно сообщение об исключении.

Например, если изменить первоначальный класс появится сообщение ; Программа укажет на арифметическое исключение.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

at com.journaldev.util.ExceptionInMain.main(

Методы устранения исключений в thread main

Выше приведены некоторые из распространенных исключений Java в потоке main, когда вы сталкиваетесь с одной из следующих проверок:

  1. Эта же версия JRE используется для компиляции и запуска Java-программы.
  2. Вы запускаете Java-класс из каталога классов, а пакет предоставляется как каталог.
  3. Ваш путь к классу Java установлен правильно, чтобы включить все классы зависимостей.
  4. Вы используете только имя файла без расширения .class при запуске.
  5. Синтаксис основного метода класса Java правильный.

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Видим, что вы не нашли ответ на свой вопрос.

Помогите улучшить статью.

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Решение проблемы

Есть несколько способов решения. Т.к. проблема касалась нескольких сайтов на сервере и имелся полный доступ к управлению сервером то я сделал следующее:

  • Скачал cacert.pem
  • Положил cacert.pem в /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem

Затем в php.ini в раздел openssl прописал следующее:






Перезагрузил php service php7.-fpm restart  и проблема исчезла.

Рано или поздно и этот сертификат протухнет. Но, судя по серт полученный в 2021 протухнет в 2028. Это приемлимо.

Basic Use of Exceptions

When an exception is thrown, the code following it will not be executed, and
PHP will try to find the matching «catch» block.

If an exception is not caught, a fatal error will be issued with an «Uncaught
Exception» message.

Lets try to throw an exception without catching it:

//create function with an exception
function checkNum($number) {
  if($number>1) {
    throw new Exception(«Value must be 1 or below»);
  return true;
//trigger exception

The code above will get an error like this:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’
with message ‘Value must be 1 or below’ in C:\webfolder\test.php:6
Stack trace: #0 C:\webfolder\test.php(12):
checkNum(28) #1 {main} thrown in C:\webfolder\test.php on line 6

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